Marianne S. Meijer (1926-2019)

Marianne Anita Schwarz Meijer (1926-2019)
Home > Projects > Women Articles > Dissertation on François de Billon

Personal Information

Date of Birth:March 20, 1926
Place of Birth:Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Family:Married; four children


Ph.D. in French1972The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
M.A. in French/Modern European History1960The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
Cand. Rom. Lit. in French1948University of Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands

Academic Grants

Travel grant, American Council of Learned Societies1982
Sabbatical Leave1982
Special Research Assignment, Division of Arts and Humanities1981
Sabbatical Leave1975
Faculty Research Awardsummer 1973

Academic Memberships

The Renaissance Society of America
Amici Thomae Mori
Société des Amis de Montaigne
Société Française des Seiziémistes


Renaissance French Literature, especially Montaigne
The ordering of Montaigne's Essays


Articles in Journals
"The Significance of 'De la diversion' in Montaigne's Third Book," Romance Notes xxxii, i (1991), 11-17.

"Guesswork or Facts: Connections between Montaigne's Last Three Chapters (11, 12 and 13)," Yale French Studies 64 (1983), 167-179.

"De l'Honnête, de l'utile et du repentir," The Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 12,2 (1982), 259-274.

"De l'Honnête, de l'utile et du plaisir," Bulletin de la Société des Amis de Montaigne, 6e série, 11-12 (1982), 39-48.

"The Heptaméron: Feminism with a Smile," Regionalism and the Female Imagination, III, 2/3 (1977), 1-10.

"Montaigne et la Bible," Bulletin de la Société des Amis de Montaigne, 5e série, 20 (1976), 23-59.

"Les aventures de deux épigrammes de Thomas More," Moreana 50 (1976), 5-10.

"Une source de Montaigne," bulletin de la Société des Amis de Montaigne, 5e série, 16 (1975), 71-72.

"À propos d'une 'erreur' de Montaigne," Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance, XXXVII (1975), 121-129, in collaboration with K. Lloyd-Jones.

"Thomas More, Lodovico Domenichi et 'L'Honneur du Sexe Femenin'," Moreana 38 (June 1973), 37-43.
Chapters in Books
Collaborator, translation of Donald M. Frame, Montaigne, A Biography. Paris: Champion (1994).

"Teaching the essays in the context of the Essays," in Approaches to Teaching Montaigne's Essays, (MLA 1994), 56-61.

"Mourir lâchement et mollement," in Études Montaignistes en hommage à Pierre Michel (Paris: Champion, 1984), 173-182.

"Appelant à son aide les diables et les furies: une ambiguité dans un essai de Montaigne," in Mélanges sur la littérature de la Renaissance à la mémoire de Verdun-Léon Saulnier Genève: Droz, 1984, 1984), 491-499.

"L'Ordre des Essais dans les deux premiers volumes," in Montaigne et les Essais, 1580-1980. Actes du Congrès de Bordeaux (Juin 1980) (Paris-Genève: Champion-Slatkine, 1983), 17-27.

"'Des postes' et 'Des pouces': plaisanteries ou points de repère?" in Columbia Montaigne Conference Papers, editors Donald M. Frame and Mary B. Mckinley (Lexington, Kentucky: French Forum, 1981), 105-118.

"François de Chantelouve, Pharaon (1577)" par Marian (sic) Meijer in Le Théâtre français de la Renaissance (1541-1610), fondé par Enea Balmas et Michel Dassonville, éd., dirigé par Nerina Clerici Balmas, Marcel Tetel et Luigia Zilli. Deuxième série, Vol. I: La tragédie à l'époque d'Henri III (1574-1579) (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1999).
Obituary Virginia Callahan, in Moreana 141 (March 2000), 115-117.

"Commémoration du Quatrième Centenaire des Essais de Montaigne," Moreana 70 (June 1981), 97-98.

"La Nef des Folles. Stultiferae Naves de Josse Bade," ed. Charles Béné. Translation Odette Sauvage. University of Grenoble, 1979, in Moreana 65-66 (June 1980), 151-152.

"Germaine Brée, Women Writers in France," Rutgers University Press, 1973, in Women in Literature, vol. 6, no. 2 (Fall 1978), 55-56.

Contributor to the Critical Bibliography of French Literature. Twentieth-Century Volumes. Douglas W. Alden and Richard A. Brooks, editors (Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press, 1980):
  1. E. Popo, "Jean Cocteau en de Franse 'Six'," De Vlaamse Gids 49: 246-256, 1965.
  2. G. de Bruijn, "Een eerste stap in de wereld van Proust," Groot Nederland 1: 314-321, 1229.
  3. G. de Bruijn, "Subjectiviteit en liefde in de wereld van Proust," Groot Nederland 1: 200-209, 1929.
  4. Ben van der Velden, Céleste. Het meisje van Proust Amsterdam: N.V. Uitgeverij de Arbeiderspers, 1971.
  5. Johannes Tielrooy, "Marcel Proust. 1871-1922," De Gids 88 (Part 2): 249-276, 1924.
  6. G. de Bruijn, "De Proustiaansche kunst- en levensbeschouwing," Groot Nederland 1: 414-428, 1930.
  7. S. Dresden, "Kunst en leven bij Marcel Proust," Forum der Letteren 6: 122-141, 1965.
  8. S. Dresden, "De rol der kunst bij Marcel Proust," in Bezonken Avonturen. Essays. Amsterdam: J.M. Meulenhoff, 1949.
  9. E. Ader-Winkler, Op zoek naar het volmaakte. Marcel Proust en zijn "A la recherche du temps perdu". Graveland: De Driehoek, 1950.
François de Billon (1522-1564+). Féministe – Nationaliste – Secrétaire (The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., 1972).

Academic Appointments

Associate Professor of FrenchFall 1992 and 1993University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
Associate Professor of French1977-1986University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
Assistant Professor of French1972-1977University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
Lecturer of French1968-1972University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
Instructor of French1965-1966The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
Instructor of French1963-1964The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
Instructor of French1960-1963University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland

Courses Taught

University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
Elementary French(FREN 101 and 102)
Intermediate French(FREN 104)
Advanced Composition and Stylistics(FREN 301 and 302)
French Literature (survey)(FREN 352)
Independent Study(FREN 398 and 399)
Explication de Textes(FREN 405)
French Literature of the 16th Century(FREN 429)
French Civilization(FREN 471 and 472)
La Commune et l'Affaire Dreyfus(FREN 498/499)
History of the French Language(FREN 499A)
Stylistics(FREN 603)
Montaigne(FREN 629)
La Pléiade(FREN 629)
Pacifism and Nationalism in the 16th Century(FREN 679)
Theories on Education and Cultural Ideals in the 16th and 17th centuries(FREN 679)
The Reformation in French Renaissance Literature(FREN 679)
The Querelle des Femmes in the 16th century, its origins and its consequences(FREN 679)

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