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JavaScript will check if you forgot any required
information and calculate prices for you. Click the
“CREATE PRINTOUT FORM” button below and mail that form with an enclosed
check or money order payable to “Miriam Meijer” (in U.S. funds
drawn on a U.S. bank), or with the Visa or MasterCard credit payment information handwritten on the printed form, to Dr. Miriam Meijer; c/o DANCO; 929 Gist Avenue; Silver Spring, MD 20910-4944 USA Our Refund Policy can be obtained when you click the “Refund Policy” button below; it is also printed on the bottom of your Printout Form. Should you fill this form out by hand, please print all of your
answers clearly. Thank you for your order. |
Mail with Payment. Enclose a check payable to “Miriam Meijer” in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank with order form.
Or select card type, type the cardholder’s name, expiration date, and enter the rest of your Credit Card information only after clicking the “CREATE PRINTOUT FORM” button below. As a precaution from Spyware, we are not having you type any sensitive information with keystrokes. Please print the numbers neatly by hand on the form that you mail to us.
- Mail to:
- Dr. Miriam Meijer
- c/o DANCO
- 929 Gist Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910-4944
Comments about this Order.
For example, if
Shipping Address is different from the Billing Address, enter the Shipping
Address here.
Indicate if you prefer to pay in Euros; special arrangements can be made for this.
Your privacy is maintained absolutely: none of your information is shared or released in any way.
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