Decimal ASCII Code for Characters

Description of Characters in HTML Character
Rendering in Your Browser
Name Decimal
Normal space -   -    
Exclamation - ! - ! !
Double quote " " - " "
Hash or pound sign - # - # #
Dollar sign - $ - $ $
Percent sign - % - % %
Ampersand & & - & &
Apostrophe - ' - ' '
Open bracket - ( - ( (
Close bracket - ) - ) )
Asterisk - * - * *
Plus sign - + - + +
Comma - , - , ,
Minus sign - - - - -
Period - . - . .
Forward slash - / - / /
Digits 0 though 9 - 0 – 9 0 – 9 0 – 9
Colon - : - : :
Semicolon - &#59; - ; ;
Less-than sign &lt; &#60; - < <
Equals - &#61; - = =
Greater-than sign &gt; &#62; - > >
Question mark - &#63; - ? ?
At sign - &#64; - @ @
Uppercase letters A through Z - &#65; – &#90; A – Z A – Z
open square bracket - &#91; - [ [
Backslash - &#92; - \ \
Close square bracket - &#93; - ] ]
Caret - &#94; - ^ ^
Underscore - &#95; - _ _
Grave accent - &#96; - ` `
Lowercase letters a through z - &#97; – &#122; a – z a – z
Left curly brace - &#123; - { {
Vertical bar - &#124; - | |
Right curly brace - &#125; - } }
Tilde - &#126; - ~ ~
(Unused) - &#127; - - 
Euro sign &euro; &#128; -
- - &#129; - - 
Single low-9 quote &sbquo; &#130; -
Function - &#131; - - ƒ
Double low-9 quote &bdquo; &#132; -
Elipses - &#133; - ...
Dagger &dagger; &#134; -
Double dagger &Dagger; &#135; -
Circumflex - &#136; - - ˆ
Per mill sign &permil; &#137; -
Capital S hot check - &#138; - - Š
Left single angle (quimet) &lsaquo; &#139; -
Latin capital O-E ligature &OElig; &#140; - Œ Œ
- - &#141; - - 
- - &#142; - - Ž
- - &#143; - - 
- - &#144; - - 
Left single quote &lsquo; &#145; -
Right single quote &rsquo; &#146; -
Left double quote &ldquo; &#147; -
Right double quote &rdquo; &#148; -
Bullet &bull; &#149; -
en dash &ndash; &#150; -
em dash &mdash; &#151; -
Tilde &tilde; &#152; - ˜ ˜
Trade mark &trade; &#153; -
Small s hot check - &#154; - - š
Right single angle (quimet) &rsaquo; &#155; -
Latin small o-e ligature &oelig; &#156; - œ œ
- - &#157; - - 
- - &#158; - - ž
Capital Y umlaut &Yuml; &#159; - Ÿ Ÿ
No Break Space &nbsp; &#160; -    
Inverted exclamation &iexcl; &#161; - ¡ ¡
Cent sign &cent; &#162; - ¢ ¢
Pound sign &pound; &#163; - £ £
General currency sign &curren; &#164; - ¤ ¤
Yen sign &yen; &#165; - ¥ ¥
Broken bar &brvbar; &#166; - ¦ ¦
Section sign &sect; &#167; - § §
Umlaut or diaeresis &uml; &#168; - ¨ ¨
Copyright sign &copy; &#169; - © ©
Feminine ordinal &ordf; &#170; - ª ª
Left angle quotes (guillemotleft) &laquo; &#171; - « «
Logical not sign &not; &#172; - ¬ ¬
Soft hyphen, discretionary hyphen &shy; &#173; - ­ ­
Registered trademark &reg; &#174; - ® ®
Spacing macron &macr; &#175; [ &hibar; ] ¯ [ &hibar; ] ¯
Degree sign &deg; &#176; - ° °
Plus-minus sign &plusmn; &#177; - ± ±
Superscript 2 &sup2; &#178; - ² ²
Superscript 3 &sup3; &#179; - ³ ³
Spacing acute &acute; &#180; - ´ ´
Micro sign &micro; &#181; - µ µ
Paragraph sign (pilcrow) &para; &#182; -
Middle dot &middot; &#183; - · ·
Spacing cedilla &cedil; &#184; - ¸ ¸
Superscript 1 &sup1; &#185; - ¹ ¹
Masculine ordinal &ordm; &#186; - º º
Right angle quotes (guillemotright) &raquo; &#187; - » »
One quarter &frac14; &#188; - ¼ ¼
One half &frac12; &#189; - ½ ½
Three quarters &frac34; &#190; - ¾ ¾
Inverted question mark &iquest; &#191; - ¿ ¿
A grave &Agrave; &#192; - À À
A acute &Aacute; &#193; - Á Á
A circumflex &Acirc; &#194; - Â Â
A tilde &Atilde; &#195; - Ã Ã
A umlaut &Auml; &#196; - Ä Ä
A ring &Aring; &#197; - Å Å
AE ligature &AElig; &#198; - Æ Æ
C cedilla &Ccedil; &#199; - Ç Ç
E grave &Egrave; &#200; - È È
E acute &Eacute; &#201; - É É
E circumflex &Ecirc; &#202; - Ê Ê
E umlaut &Euml; &#203; - Ë Ë
I grave &Igrave; &#204; - Ì Ì
I acute &Iacute; &#205; - Í Í
I circumflex &Icirc; &#206; - Î Î
I umlaut &Iuml; &#207; - Ï Ï
Islandic Capital ETH &ETH; &#208; - Ð Ð
N tilde &Ntilde; &#209; - Ñ Ñ
O grave &Ograve; &#210; - Ò Ò
O acute &Oacute; &#211; - Ó Ó
O circumflex &Ocirc; &#212; - Ô Ô
O tilde &Otilde; &#213; - Õ Õ
O umlaut &Ouml; &#214; - Ö Ö
Multiplication sign &times; &#215; - × ×
O slash &Oslash; &#216; - Ø Ø
U grave &Ugrave; &#217; - Ù Ù
U acute &Uacute; &#218; - Ú Ú
U circumflex &Ucirc; &#219; - Û Û
U umlaut &Uuml; &#220; - Ü Ü
Y acute &Yacute; &#221; - Ý Ý
Icelandic capital Thorn &THORN; &#222; - Þ Þ
German small sharp s &szlig; &#223; - ß ß
a grave &agrave; &#224; - à à
a acute &aacute; &#225; - á á
a circumflex &acirc; &#226; - â â
a tilde &atilde; &#227; - ã ã
a umlaut &auml; &#228; - ä ä
a ring &aring; &#229; - å å
Small a-e ligature &aelig; &#230; - æ æ
c cedilla &ccedil; &#231; - ç ç
e grave &egrave; &#232; - è è
e acute &eacute; &#233; - é é
e circumflex &ecirc; &#234; - ê ê
e umlaut &euml; &#235; - ë ë
i grave &igrave; &#236; - ì ì
i acute &iacute; &#237; - í í
i circumflex &icirc; &#238; - î î
i umlaut &iuml; &#239; - ï ï
Icelandic small eth &eth; &#240; - ð ð
n tilde &ntilde; &#241; - ñ ñ
o grave &ograve; &#242; - ò ò
o acute &oacute; &#243; - ó ó
o circumflex &ocirc; &#244; - ô ô
o tilde &otilde; &#245; - õ õ
o umlaut &ouml; &#246; - ö ö
Division sign &divide; &#247; - ÷ ÷
o slash &oslash; &#248; - ø ø
u grave &ugrave; &#249; - ù ù
u acute &uacute; &#250; - ú ú
u circumflex &ucirc; &#251; - û û
u umlaut &uuml; &#252; - ü ü
y acute &yacute; &#253; - ý ý
Icelandic small thorn &thorn; &#254; - þ þ
y umlaut &yuml; &#255; - ÿ ÿ
Latin small f with hook = function = florin &fnof; &#402; - ƒ ƒ
Greek capital letter alpha &Alpha; &#913; - Α Α
Greek capital letter beta &Beta; &#914; - Β Β
Greek capital letter gamma &Gamma; &#915; - Γ Γ
Greek capital letter delta &Delta; &#916; - Δ Δ
Greek capital letter epsilon &Epsilon; &#917; - Ε Ε
Greek capital letter zeta &Zeta; &#918; - Ζ Ζ
Greek capital letter eta &Eta; &#919; - Η Η
Greek capital letter theta &Theta; &#920; - Θ Θ
Greek capital letter iota &Iota; &#921; - Ι Ι
Greek capital letter kappa &Kappa; &#922; - Κ Κ
Greek capital letter lambda &Lambda; &#923; - Λ Λ
Greek capital letter mu &Mu; &#924; - Μ Μ
Greek capital letter nu &Nu; &#925; - Ν Ν
Greek capital letter xi &Xi; &#926; - Ξ Ξ
Greek capital letter omicron &Omicron; &#927; - Ο Ο
Greek capital letter pi &Pi; &#928; - Π Π
Greek capital letter rho &Rho; &#929; - Ρ Ρ
Greek capital letter sigma &Sigma; &#931; - Σ Σ
Greek capital letter tau &Tau; &#932; - Τ Τ
Greek capital letter upsilon &Upsilon; &#933; - Υ Υ
Greek capital letter phi &Phi; &#934; - Φ Φ
Greek capital letter chi &Chi; &#935; - Χ Χ
Greek capital letter psi &Psi; &#936; - Ψ Ψ
Greek capital letter omega &Omega; &#937; - Ω Ω
Greek small letter alpha &alpha; &#945; - α α
Greek small letter beta &beta; &#946; - β β
Greek small letter gamma &gamma; &#947; - γ γ
Greek small letter delta &delta; &#948; - δ δ
Greek small letter epsilon &epsilon; &#949; - ε ε
Greek small letter zeta &zeta; &#950; - ζ ζ
Greek small letter eta &eta; &#951; - η η
Greek small letter theta &theta; &#952; - θ θ
Greek small letter iota &iota; &#953; - ι ι
Greek small letter kappa &kappa; &#954; - κ κ
Greek small letter lambda &lambda; &#955; - λ λ
Greek small letter mu &mu; &#956; - μ μ
Greek small letter nu &nu; &#957; - ν ν
Greek small letter xi &xi; &#958; - ξ ξ
Greek small letter omicron &omicron; &#959; - ο ο
Greek small letter pi &pi; &#960; - π π
Greek small letter rho &rho; &#961; - ρ ρ
Greek small letter final sigma &sigmaf; &#962; - ς ς
Greek small letter sigma &sigma; &#963; - σ σ
Greek small letter tau &tau; &#964; - τ τ
Greek small letter upsilon &upsilon; &#965; - υ υ
Greek small letter phi &phi; &#966; - φ φ
Greek small letter chi &chi; &#967; - χ χ
Greek small letter psi &psi; &#968; - ψ ψ
Greek small letter omega &omega; &#969; - ω ω
Greek small letter theta symbol &thetasym; &#977; - ϑ ϑ
Greek upsilon with hook symbol &upsih; &#978; - ϒ ϒ
Greek pi symbol &piv; &#982; - ϖ ϖ
bullet = black small circle &bull; &#8226; -
horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader &hellip; &#8230; -
prime = minutes = feet &prime; &#8242; -
double prime = seconds = inches &Prime; &#8243; -
overline = spacing overscore &oline; &#8254; -
fraction slash &frasl; &#8260; -
script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p &weierp; &#8472; -
blackletter capital I = imaginary part &image; &#8465; -
blackletter capital R = real part symbol &real; &#8476; -
trade mark sign &trade; &#8482; -
alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal &alefsym; &#8501; -
leftwards arrow &larr; &#8592; -
upwards arrow &uarr; &#8593; -
rightwards arrow &rarr; &#8594; -
downwards arrow &darr; &#8595; -
left right arrow &harr; &#8596; -
downwards arrow with corner leftwards
= carriage return
&crarr; &#8629; -
leftwards double arrow &lArr; &#8656; -
upwards double arrow &uArr; &#8657; -
rightwards double arrow &rArr; &#8658; -
downwards double arrow &dArr; &#8659; -
left right double arrow &hArr; &#8660; -
for all &forall; &#8704; -
partial differential &part; &#8706; -
there exists &exist; &#8707; -
empty set = null set = diameter &empty; &#8709; -
nabla = backward difference &nabla; &#8711; -
element of &isin; &#8712; -
not an element of &notin; &#8713; -
contains as member &ni; &#8715; -
n-ary product = product sign &prod; &#8719; -
n-ary sumation &sum; &#8721; -
minus sign &minus; &#8722; -
asterisk operator &lowast; &#8727; -
square root = radical sign &radic; &#8730; -
proportional to &prop; &#8733; -
infinity &infin; &#8734; -
angle &ang; &#8736; -
logical and = wedge &and; &#8743; -
logical or = vee &or; &#8744; -
intersection = cap &cap; &#8745; -
union = cup &cup; &#8746; -
integral &int; &#8747; -
therefore &there4; &#8756; -
tilde operator = varies with = similar to &sim; &#8764; -
approximately equal to &cong; &#8773; -
almost equal to = asymptotic to &asymp; &#8776; -
not equal to &ne; &#8800; -
identical to &equiv; &#8801; -
less-than or equal to &le; &#8804; -
greater-than or equal to &ge; &#8805; -
subset of &sub; &#8834; -
superset of &sup; &#8835; -
not a subset of &nsub; &#8836; -
subset of or equal to &sube; &#8838; -
superset of or equal to &supe; &#8839; -
circled plus = direct sum &oplus; &#8853; -
circled times = vector product &otimes; &#8855; -
up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular &perp; &#8869; -
dot operator &sdot; &#8901; -
left ceiling = APL upstile &lceil; &#8968; -
right ceiling &rceil; &#8969; -
left floor = APL downstile &lfloor; &#8970; -
right floor &rfloor; &#8971; -
left-pointing angle bracket = bra &lang; &#9001; -
right-pointing angle bracket = ket &rang; &#9002; -
lozenge &loz; &#9674; -
black spade suit &spades; &#9824; -
black club suit = shamrock &clubs; &#9827; -
black heart suit = valentine &hearts; &#9829; -
black diamond suit &diams; &#9830; -

*Entries in the “Entity” column are character entity references that can be used in HTML and should be interpreted correctly by Web browsers that support HTML 4.0. Entities need to be predefined in the markup language definition (DTD); this approach is only available for those characters that HTML 4.01 has specifically chosen to represent as entities. It is worth remembering that the ability of the browser to render an entity will depend on several factors, such as the age of the browser and the font being used.

Numeric character references always refer to the number of a character in the Unicode repertoire, no matter what encoding you use.

Table of character entity references in HTML 4

This Greek entity set contains all the letters used in modern Greek. However, it does not include Greek punctuation, precomposed accented characters nor the non-spacing accents (tonos, dialytika) required to compose them. There are no archaic letters, Coptic-unique letters, or precomposed letters for Polytonic Greek. The entities defined here are not intended for the representation of modern Greek text and would not be an efficient representation; rather, they are intended for occasional Greek letters used in technical and mathematical works.

W3 web page validator


In this example, the primary language of the document is French ("fr"). One paragraph is declared to be in Spanish ("es"), after which the primary language returns to French. The following paragraph includes an embedded Japanese ("ja") phrase, after which the primary language returns to French.

<HTML lang="fr">
<TITLE>Un document multilingue</TITLE>
...Interpreted as French...
<P lang="es">...Interpreted as Spanish...
<P>...Interpreted as French again...
<P>...French text interrupted by<EM lang="ja">some Japanese</EM>French begins here again...

Graphic "safe area" dimensions for layouts designed to print well:

Maximum width = 560 pixels
Maximum height = 410 pixels (visible without scrolling)

Graphic "safe area" dimensions for layouts designed for 800 x 600 screens:

Maximum width = 760 pixels
Maximum height = 410 pixels (visible without scrolling)

Collected by Miriam Claude Meijer from various sources